When you run out of words
This page need applet support. How does it work
The outofwords application creates new texts from a source text - all for your convenience. The resulting text consists of "likely" words pairs from the source text.

You can enter text in the upper "source" text box by typing it manually, pasting it (using ctrl-V or similar) or by adding any of the predefined texts (by using the "Add text" selection menu).

A new text can be created at any time by pressing the "Create text" button. The created text will appear in the lower "result" text box.

Really nice texts can be created by mixing different texts in the source text box.

The texts can be cleared using the Clear button.

Nice source texts
(links open in new window)
Britney lyrics
Bo Kasper lyrics
Madonna lyrics
Horoscope info about Taurus
Horoscope info about Capricorn
Gatespace press releases

- Try pasting texts from different sources
- Mixing source texts with different languages could create strange effects

Questions on the outofwords application can be directed to Erik Wistrand, erik@wistrand.com